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Detonado - Burnout (Inglês)

29/01/2008 às 9:17 | 2069 visualizações

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Segue o detonado em inglês do jogo Burnout para PS2.

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For Playstation(r)2 console
Game Guide created by Dylan Brandtner ([email protected])

Version History

Version 1.1
Started (6/20/02)
Finished (6/26/02)

Version 1.2
Started (6/27/02)
Finished (6/27/02)

Version 1.3
Started (6/28/02)
Finished (7/1/02)

Version 1.4
Started (7/4/02)
Finished (7/4/02)

I.  Introduction, General Tips, and Strategy
      IA.   Game Advancement 
      IB.   General Tips and Strategy 
II.  The Cars
      IIA.  Intro and General Info
      IIB.  Car List
III. The Tracks
      IIIA. Intro and General Info
      IIIB. Track List
IV.  The Championships
      IVA.  Intro and General Info
      IVB.  Championship List
V.   Special
      VA.   Face off Mode
      VB.   Survival Mode
      VC.   Free Run/ Free Run Twin (2 player)
VI.  Credits, Contact, and Copyright

I. Introduction, General Tips, and Strategy

Having trouble with Burnout, well you've come to the right place. This may 
include semi-spoilers, but it is mostly just a guide to give help to 
frustrated gamers.  There's not too many ways to "cheat" in this game, except 
for the few cheat codes. Don't cheat though, it's way more fun to win, and 
don't get frustrated and give up, because this game is very rewarding and 
full of non-stop, high paced action.  It's a game that requires excellent 
hand eye coordination, and lightning reflexes. This game is based on avoiding 
accidents while driving like a lunatic. It's all about finding an opening and 
getting through it. The winner is usually the one with the least accidents. 

IA. Game Advancement

You begin with three tracks and five cars.  New tracks and new special 
features are unlocked in championship mode. New cars are unlocked in face-off 
mode in Special.

IB. General Tips and Strategy

1)Drive on the line
  Almost all straightaways, even head on, can be easily driven through by 
staying on one of the lines or off to the side.  However, you have to watch 
out for cars changing lanes, because in this game, cars change lanes VERY 

2)Drive in areas no one else can.
  Crossed off areas, the shoulder, or an empty left turn lane. 

3)Find which view you like. 
  I prefer inside view because you can see farther in front of you and your 
view is not obstructed by your own car.  However, opponents' cars can easily 
block the whole view. 

4)Don't drive directly behind opponents.
  This will block off the entire view and a quick swerve by your enemy may 
put you right into a car. Especially stay away from the third place car, it 
will get in the most accidents. 

5)Your opponents' difficulties are arranged by position, not by car. 
  The first place starter will be the best racer, regardless of the car.

6)Getting boost (AKA "burn," but I call it boost)
  Boost is rewarded for 5 actions:
   -Near miss(getting very close to other cars without even tapping them)
   -Sliding (sliding through a turn without hitting, or even tapping any cars 
walls, etc.)	
   -Driving in on coming traffic lane (the longer you drive in it the more 
boost you receive) 
   -A Burnout (using your entire boost meter without getting in a single 
accident; this fills the meter half full)
   -Completing a lap with NO accidents (you get lots of boost for this)
 Hint: Don't try getting boost by doing near misses on purpose, it's not 
worth it. 

7)Using boost
  Try to use boost on easy straightaways or after you were slowed down by 
hitting a wall. It's not worth using boost if you're going to get in an 
accident.  Once you get in an accident, you will loose ALL of your boost.  
Also, as soon as you push the boost button once, your boost meter will 
continue to go down for a few more seconds, even if you are not using it by 
holding it down. BOOST IS NOT THE KEY TO WINNING. It's overrated.   

8)Driving in head on traffic
  When driving in head on traffic, you must be even more careful for cars 
changing lanes.  The cars on both sides will also do their best to swerve out 
of the way, but they don't swerve very far, and they usually try this too 
late. This can become dangerous if you have an opponent if front of you, 
because if he is on a different line than you are, the other cars will most 
likely swerve INTO you to get out of your opponents way.

9)Your opponents' accidents  
When an opponent in front of you get in an accident, there is almost always a 
way out, but if it's totally blocked up, DO NOT SLOW DOWN, just try to hit 
your opponent at full speed.  You might as well get an awesome crash out of 
it.  If he caused the accident, you will likely be restarted ahead of him.

10)Neck and Neck
  You might and blocking an opening to make your opponent crash by giving him 
only one way out, but do not sideswipe your opponents, it will only slow you 
down and it rarely works out for the best.

11)The lead
   NO lead is a safe lead in this game. It seems that trailing opponents get 
an extra boost as well.  Your opponents will RARELY be more than 4 or 5 
seconds behind so never get too comfortable. One crash and you could be in 
last place.

  You must make all the checkpoints to get a place.  If you miss a 
checkpoint, you will receive last place, no matter what place you were in. 
Your opponents have no checkpoint restraints. Never give up on a checkpoint. 
If you can even see it, (even if you only have 2 or 3 seconds left) go for 
it. If you have enough speed to roll through it (even after 0 seconds and the 
Game Over comes up) you will be allowed to continue.

13)Hitting walls can be worse
  Sometimes its better to get in an accident than to swerve directly into a 
wall, or get spun out.  This will waste A LOT of time and you wont be able to 
be restarted and moved farther up the track.

14)Don't try to imitate your opponents
   Your opponents have strange ways of navigating traffic a times, filled 
with abrupt swerves and stupid choices. Follow your own path.

   Most 90-degree (or more) turns should be made using a brake slide.  This 
takes a good amount of practice but it is sometimes faster than a regular 
turn, it looks way cooler, and it gives you boost. For a tight turn apply 
brakes before turning then, push the direction hard and quickly get back on 
gas (You might try having your thumb suspended over both buttons so you can 
switch faster).  For a wide turn, hit the brake when you start the turn, and 
hold it a little longer so you slide farther. After you're about three-
quarters through the turn, get back on the gas and regain control. In 
general, when holding the brake, you have little control of the car, the gas 
button will give you control back. If your sliding too far you don't need to 
turn back first, you need to hit the gas and then turn back. Also, to gain 
more control of your car during turns, tap the gas button repeatedly to gain 
better control.   

16)Driving straight through intersections 
   Aim for where the crossing cars are, not where they are going. This can be 
very difficult, but try to think clearly in that split second.

   Traffic will ALWAYS be the same on each individual lap every time you do 
the race. In other words, traffic changes by lap but not by race. If the 
track is turned backwards or mixed into a Marathon, the traffic will be 
completely different. Slight differences will occur depending on timing, 
because traffic is moving. The farther you are behind, the less traffic there 
will be. The farther you are ahead the more dangers you will encounter.

II. The Cars

IIA. Intro and General Info
The cars are one of the two biggest features of the game (the other being the 
tracks of course).  The cars' looks have nothing to do with performance, so 
only worry about that if your just looking to go for a drive. The cars' color 
is also just for fun.  The general ratings on the car range from Easy (slow 
with tight handling) to Hard (fast with slick handling). Another category - 
Special- is reserved for the Bus and Tow Truck.  These vehicles have an extra 
special quality of being able to hit cars without restarting the car.  
However, they are not good cars to race with.  The 2 special cars and the 
Roadster and Saloon GT must be unlocked in Face Off Mode. Different cars are 
better for different tracks, however, in my opinion, when in doubt or when 
frustrated, choose the muscle.  It is the best overall car after you get the 
feel for its slick handling. If that's too tuff for you, take the roadster 
for a spin. 

IIB. Car List
This is a list of the cars, their ratings in different categories, along with 
a brief description and other information. Rankings for acceleration, 
handling, and wall sliding* are from 1-5 (5 being the best). Speed is in 
miles per hour (mph) and time is in seconds (s).

*Wall sliding is a ranking of how well a car can slide against walls without 
losing speed. (It might sound like a stupid category but it's important). 

Acceleration: 2.5
Handling: 5
Wall Sliding*(see above if you don't know what this is):4
0-60mph: 3.3s
0-100mph: 9.7s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 130mph/141mph

This is a pretty good car, especially for beginners.  Even though the 
acceleration is the lowest of the non-special vehicles, it's not at all slow, 
but don't expect to win speed courses with it.

Sports Coupe (Medium)
Acceleration: 3 
Handling: 3.5
Wall Sliding: 3.5
0-60mph: 2.8s
0-100mph: 7.9s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 134mph/141mph

This is a very good middle ground car. Its about halfway in most areas, but 
much more slippery than the Supermini.

Saloon (Medium)
Acceleration: 2.5 
Handling: 3
Wall Sliding: 3.5
0-60mph: 3.0s
0-100mph: 7.3s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 131mph/141mph

This car's braking is unresponsive and the handling is overly stiff.  It also 
refuses to slide through turns.  However, if you don't like to slide through 
turns, and would rather make a gradual turn and hit the wall, this car would 
be your choice because the wall sliding is pretty decent, and the road grip 
is excellent. For those who hate slippery handling, this luxury car would be 
your choice.  

Muscle (Hard)
Acceleration: 5
Handling: 3
Wall Sliding: 3
0-60mph: 2.2s
0-100mph: 5.6s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 135mph/149mph

Don't be afraid of the "hard" rating, its not so bad.  The braking is very 
responsive and even though the handling is very slippery, it can be 
controlled with practice.  This is a VERY FAST car and IMO is the best car in 
the game.
Pickup (Hard)
Acceleration: 3.5
Handling: 4.5
Wall Sliding: 3.5
0-60mph: 3.2s
0-100mph: 7.3s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 130mph/141mph

Surprisingly excellent handling, with easily controlled sliding, this car is 
quite a pickup.  Its high suspension gives it a small advantage in the rough 
terrain.  However, the top speed is surprisingly low for a hard rated car, 
giving it a speed disadvantage on straightaways.

Roadster** (Medium)
Acceleration: 3.5 
Handling: 3.5
Wall Sliding: 4.5
0-60mph: 2.9s
0-100mph: 7.3s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 133mph/141mph

The best of the Medium cars, the Roadster has excellent wall sliding but is a 
tad slippery. This is a really great car.

Saloon GT** (Hard)
Acceleration: 4
Handling: 4
Wall Sliding: 1.5
0-60mph: 3.0s
0-100mph: 7.6s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 135mph/149mph

This is quite an improvement from the regular Saloon, and the stiff handling 
became much more responsive as did the braking.  Its top speed is tied for 
the best, but avoid excessive wall contact at all costs, because it will 
nearly STOP your car sometimes.

Tow Truck** (Special)
Acceleration: 0
Handling: 2.5
Wall Sliding: 3
0-60mph: 4.9s
0-100mph: 13.0s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 134mph/143mph
The special cars are not for racing, only for fun.  This Truck is very slow 
(I had to go below the limit to rate this one's acceleration) but it can plow 
into cars (sometimes head on) and it will not always be counted as a crash, 
it will just slow you down.  You can also crush your opponents but this will 
likely give you an accident as well. 

Bus** (Special)
Acceleration: 1 
Handling: 2
Wall Sliding: 3
0-60mph: 4.5s
0-100mph: 11.3s
Highest Recorded Speed without boost/with boost: 125mph/141mph

Same as the tow truck, but it's a little faster and a little harder to turn.  
I think this is much better than the tow truck overall (even though its top 
speed is lower).

** These cars are locked and must be opened in Face Off Mode.

III. The Tracks 

IIIA. Intro and General Info

There are only five unique tracks in the game (the stared* ones).  The rest 
of them are either nighttime versions and/or backwards versions of the 
others.  The marathons are mostly combinations of other tracks. In these 
drive-throughs for the five unique tracks, I will attempt to highlight all of 
the somewhat difficult turns, curves, etc. I will assume you are in a fairly 
decent position when I talk about traffic obstacles. Straight away driving 
and turning is explained in the first section of this guide. Difficulty 
ratings are in this order: Very Easy, Easy, Easy-Medium, Medium, Medium-Hard, 
Hard, Very Hard. Length is based on the same idea. Although I have only done 
drive-throughs on the five original tracks, I have listed, rated, and 
described the rest of them. 

Note: When I say "your lane" I mean the right lane (AKA the correct lane to 
drive in).  When is say "carefully" or "be careful", I don't necessarily mean 
slowly, I just mean that you have to watch out, because there is a high risk 
for accidents.  

IIIB. Track List


Difficulty: Very Easy
Length: Long
Time of day: Daytime

This is the longest non-marathon course in the game so get comfortable; lap 
times may almost three minutes. It's pretty easy though, and has very few 
dangerous turns.  Its mostly a speed course so unless you're a beginner, grab 
a quick car.


You enter the course with a gradual right to merge into highway traffic. The 
long stretch ahead is mostly straight and the large number of lanes give you 
room to move about freely, just don't go too wild. This long stretch is all 
about speed. Located in this portion of highway is the only somewhat secret 
area in the game that I have found. It is a large gas station area with its 
entrance on the right side near the beginning. It's no big deal really. When 
you see the green arrows ahead, get over to the right, you'll need to exit 
the highway. The right lane of this curvy road leading to the city is usually 
clear. As soon as you reach, the city drive on the right and make the first 
turn (on lap two you might have to zip through two buses.  Then, cut into the 
center lane with solid lines on both sides. NO ONE EVER DRIVES IN IT.  Your 
first 90 degree right turn awaits so get ready. The best method is usually to 
cut into the far right and squeeze over the curb on the right side. Then back 
into the center lane again.  The next left turn is usually the most difficult 
in the track. So look for an opening and take it slow (it's the hardest on 
lap 2). For the next right turn, hit the curb again and then continue up the 
exit on your right.  The next part is another long stretch with two lanes 
both direction.  You can cut over the dirt barrier and try to get boost 
(watch out for cars changing lanes, drive on the side not the middle) or play 
it safe and stay on the right.  Just watch out on the small hills near the 
end, they obstruct your vision.  You will then go on to a 2 lane highway with 
traffic in both directions. I suggest driving the middle line.  Careful not 
to be tricked here on lap three, because the seemingly open right lane will 
quickly be filled by a passing white van. Another exit will then lead you to 
a difficult, yet not dangerous, turnaround. If you have a fast car, lay off 
the gas before the turn (DON'T BRAKE, or you will slide into the wall) and 
just give it a few long taps until you hit straight away again. Then follow 
that around the turn to the finish line. On lap 3 on this last part, two 
large trucks will likely block the path after the large circle turn. 
Carefully go behind them and head into the middle lane to their left until 
you pass them.   

Harbor Town*

Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium-Long
Time of Day: Daytime

This course has a lot of turns and very few straightaways.  You will likely 
need to do a lot of wall sliding. 

Drive through:

You enter the 2 lane road with a sharp right. On laps two and three, make 
this first turn either very close or very wide because a car will likely be 
in the oncoming lane. Immediately two the right, is a small raised area on 
the dirt, so if you're looking for some air, go ahead, but the jump is pretty 
small. Use a Supermini to get the most air.  The first portion is abandoned 
on lap one but on laps 2 and three, slide your car along the large dirt areas 
for the wider turns (one on the right, then one on the left, and one on the 
left after the small tunnel).  The first car is near the bridge on lap one.  
Go over the bridge (watch out near the end because cars will abruptly turn 
onto the bridge into the oncoming lane) and then try to stay in the right 
lane for this extended curving portion, because the turns are often blind. A 
small straightaway leads to the levels most dangerous turn to the right onto 
a large suspension bridge.  You can slow down and make it the right way, or 
what I usually do is slam the brakes on the turn, slide over, and head into 
oncoming traffic. After the bridge, a tunnel will appear with right turn into 
some hills. In this part with the hills, the left lane is open. A wide right 
will follow, which can either be slid through or you could go over the dirt. 
More curves will follow, in which you MUST stay in the right lane at all 
times to avoid collisions. When you see the upcoming left, squeeze along the 
right wall (you don't need to hit it) past the line of traffic and make the 
left turn over into the right lane. Carefully make the right at the top of 
the hill (hitting the wall too hard could result in quite an accident over 
the small cliff) and then the gradual left. This will lead to an EXTENED 
right in which you need to go fairly slow to stay in your lane(there is no 
clear division between the different lane direction so you must remember 
there is only 2 lanes going your way). Then hop up onto the median and make 
the left at the intersection (This turn always seems to come up on me quick 
and I end up hitting the wall, you might try turning a bit earlier than you 
think you should.  Try using the parked car to judge the turn, not the 
opposite wall). Stay to the right as you head up the road and then make an 
easy left (watch for passing traffic) and onto the brick road. The first of 
the two upcoming 90-degree turns will require more early braking to avoid 
hitting the opposite wall, because you will have built up more speed than you 
think you did. Slide around the next one and your home free.  

River City*
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Daytime

This is a course with many intersections and a lot of traffic. Timing and 
luck come into play more than ever. However, may find it easer than the curvy 
tracks of Harbor Town. I suggest a good all around car, because this race has 
it all.

Drive through:

You first have to merge onto the crowded freeway traffic. You might want to 
head right over to the oncoming lane because your lane will soon be filled by 
a huge accident in two out of three times. Then you will reach a tunnel, 
filled with small curves. I suggest heading onto the stripped area for as 
long as you can.  Then you will head onto a long city straightaway, with 
three dangerous intersections to cross.  At then end, there will be a 
circular road that you have to turn left on.  Careful not to slide to far on 
this one or you will hit the center circle. Don't go around the circle, it 
just wastes time.  Then cut in between the parked cars and make a tight right 
turn.  Then head past the intersection and into the stadium area.  This turn 
can be made very fast if done correctly.  As soon as you see the large gray 
pavement area to your right, slam on the brakes and turn right hard. After 
you've done the 180, get back on the gas and keep going. If you start to 
slide too far, hit the gas earlier. There are also three covered areas on the 
edge of this stadium area you can go through if you want. At the next 
intersection with parked cars, drive on the sidewalk to the right and make 
the turn fairly wide. This turn is pretty dangerous so be careful. Then drive 
through this straightaway until you have to make a left.  This left has many 
dangers. First, watch for oncoming traffic, and when you see an opening make 
a very wide turn. It's easy to hit the oncoming white car, especially on lap 
one. The following bricked portion is very dangerous because of the small 
intersections with little room to maneuver. The left turn in this portion 
should be made with a wide turn because of oncoming traffic. 

Hillside Pass*
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Daytime

This course has a lot of turning, and only a few straightaways, but the lack 
of dangerous turns and insane intersections makes it pretty easy.  Despite 
lack of straightaways, I still recommend a pretty fast car.


You start by merging onto a long highway with two lanes. This long curvy 
highway has large dirt/grassy areas on the sides, which are much safer to 
drive on during the wider turns, and they won't slow you down too much.  Take 
a right onto the confusing covered dirt area with walled off sides. It might 
take a few runs until you're used to this part.  Then turn wide right and 
stay on the left side for this small straightaway. After the left turn and 
the small dirt section, CAREFULLY make this left, but make it so wide that 
you almost go straight.  As soon as the wall on your right ends, cut onto the 
large grass section and down.  Do the same for the next one and use the same 
cutting across idea for the last one.  Then, stay to the RIGHT in the tunnel, 
not in the center, and make the easy tight right onto the long 2 part raised 
highway section.  During this section, don't be afraid to slide onto the dirt 
sections on your right when passing or making wide turns and don't be afraid 
to slide into the other lanes as well, just be careful. Make the right into 
the tunnel and pick one of the walls to stay on (I like the left), and then 
your all done. 

Twilight Harbor (Harbor Town Backwards)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium-Long
Time of Day: Sunset

The darkness makes this a lot harder than Harbor Town, and the curves seem 
even harder than before. I suggest a good all around car again or maybe even 
the Supermini.

Gridlock USA*
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Length: Very Short
Time of Day: Daytime

This course is mostly about speed with a lot of not too hard intersections, 
but it has way more turning than interstate. Choose a fairly quick car that 
has decent handling. Speed is more important than handling though. I like the 
Saloon GT. 


Note: For this track, all lefts should be made from the far left of your 
lanes, into the far left of your lanes. Also, if possible, you should try to 
cut off the traffic in your lanes on these turns instead of trying to go in 
between them.

First, make a tight right into your lanes.  Then a dangerous left can be made 
either into the middle lane or into the far right sidewalk area (watch out 
for the lamp pole). Another left follows (watch for oncoming) and the a long 
easy straightaway. Then a gradual left, without braking (watch out for the 
several passing cars in many different directions). Then cross the small 
intersection (watch out here on lap three, I always seem to hit a greenish 
gray Supermini that is very hard to see). Then make a right onto the crossed 
off middle lane. You can save a lot of time on the next turn if you follow my 
method. Let off the gas but do not brake. Move as far to your left as you can 
without hitting the two parked cars, then make a very gradual left and 
gradual right onto the dirt straightaway. Make the left at the end (watch out 
for the blue Supermini on lap 1) and then cut between the two taxis and make 
the left. Then, head through the intersection (this intersection may be very 
hard on laps 2 and 3, don't be afraid to swerve over to the oncoming side if 
necessary). Then another left and a long straightaway. Then two gradual, yet 
dangerous, rights. Then head into the middle lane for the final straightaway 
with two dangerous intersections.  You may have to slow down (or speed up) 
for these intersections to avoid passing traffic (especially on lap three). 
Then make the left onto the finish line dirt section.      

Euro-Marathon (Mixture of Harbor Town and River City Backwards)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Very Long
Time of Day: Late Evening

This is quite a bit longer than all the other tracks.  A good all around car 
is needed again, but lean more towards better handling.

Rush Hour (Interstate Backwards)
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Length: Long
Time of Day: Cloudy Evening

This is almost completely head on traffic racing.  The large five lane 
highway portion is now all head on.  Still not too many turns though, and 
almost continuous boost regeneration.  I had boost for almost a whole lap 
once. As with Interstate, aim for speed.

Euro-Marathon EX (Euro-Marathon Backwards)
Difficulty: Hard 
Length: Very Long
Time of Day: Nighttime

It's a little darker than the original, but going the other way is only a 
little harder, and that is just because it's harder to go backwards on Harbor 
Town than it is to go backwards on River City. Good handling is again 

Cliffhanger (Hillside Pass Backwards)
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Late Evening

This is much harder than Hillside, but definitely not impossible.  Speed is 
still important, but handling is more important than it was with Hillside 

Midnight Run (River City Backwards)
Difficulty: Very Hard
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Nighttime

I found this race to be extremely difficult.  The combination of darkness and 
the wet ground makes this seemingly impossible.  Just keep trying it and get 
some good handling that wont slide too much. Try not to use slide braking as 
much either.

Night Shift (Gridlock USA Backwards)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Short
Time of Day: Nighttime

The second of the wet ground courses, Night Shift is not as difficult as 
Midnight Run.  However, it is still quite difficult, and try to avoid slide 
braking. The emphasis should be on speed when choosing your car.

Country Chaos (Hillside Pass Backwards)
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Semi-Cloudy Evening

This course seems a little easier than its counterpart Cliffhanger, yet your 
opponents seem to perform much better.  It seems way harder in Championship 
mode, but the track itself is a little easier.

Sunset River (River City Forwards)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Medium
Time of Day: Sunset

The difficulty is raised by the darkness and more difficult new traffic. LOTS 
OF LANE CHANGERS. In general, follow River City tactics.

USA Marathon (Gridlock USA Backwards, Interstate, and Hillside pass)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Extremely Long
Time of Day: Cloudy Evening

This is an unbelievably long race with several different aspects.  Suggesting 
a car for this race would be nearly impossible, but the muscle (as usual) 
seems to work the best.

USA Marathon EX (USA Marathon Backwards)
Difficulty: Hard
Length: Extremely Long
Time of Day: Nighttime

This has the same aspects as the original (just in the opposite direction) 
and it is not much harder. The Gridlock part is easier, but the other parts 
are a bit harder. So it's about the same.  The darkness adds only a little 
difficulty, mostly on the large interstate highway portion. Again, I'd go 
with the muscle.

IV. The Championships

IVA. Intro and General Info

This is by far the most important portion of the game as far as game 
advancement is concerned. With championship mode, you will be able to open 
more tracks, more championships, and more special options (like face off mode 
which allows you to open more cars). The championships get consistently more 
difficult as they go on. There are six championships, with one to three 
tracks.  You also receive three tokens, which are similar to lives.  If you 
fail to receive your required position for a track, you must use a token.  
Once all tokens are used, you must restart the championship. The tracks are 
explained in "The Tracks" portion of this guide so they will not be included 
in this portion.

IVB. Championship List

Journeyman's Grand Prix

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1)Interstate                   3rd
2)Harbor Town                  3rd 
3)River City                   2nd

New Championship- Big Run Grand Prix
New Face off- Face off 1
New Courses- Hillside Pass, Twilight Harbor, Gridlock USA
New Special Modes- None

Big Run Grand Prix

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1)Hillside Pass                3rd
2)Twilight Harbor              2nd
3)Gridlock USA                 1st

New Championship- Euro Marathon
New Face off- Face off 2
New Courses- Euro Marathon, Rush Hour
New Special Modes- None

Euro Marathon

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1) Euro Marathon               1st

New Championship- Savage Streets Grand Prix
New Face off- None
New Courses- Euro Marathon EX, Cliffhanger, Midnight Run, Night Shift
New Special Mode- Survival

Savage Streets Grand Prix

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1)Night Shift                  2nd
2)Cliffhanger                  2nd
3)Midnight Run                 1st

New Championship- Twilight Grand Prix
New Face off- Face off 3
New Courses- Country Chaos, Sunset River
New Special Modes- None

Twilight Grand Prix

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1)Rush Hour                    1st 
2)Country Chaos                1st
3)Sunset River                 1st

New Championship- USA Marathon
New Face off- Face off 4
New Courses- USA Marathon
New Special Modes- None

USA Marathon

Tracks:                   Required Position:
1)USA Marathon                 1st

New Championship- None
New Face off- None
New Courses- USA Marathon EX
New Special Modes- Free Run, Free Run Twin, Credits 

V. Special

There are seven different selections in Special. Crash Replays and Music 
player are not locked at the start of the game. However, face off mode, 
survival, free run and free run twin, and the credits, all must be unlocked 
in championship mode.

VA. Face off Mode

This is where you can unlock new cars by beating them in a one on one race. 
Each face off is unlocked in championship mode. The face offs are as follows:

Face off 1
Course: Twilight Harbor
Opponent: Roadster

Face off 2
Course: Rush Hour
Opponent: Tow Truck

Face off 3
Course: Night Shift
Opponent: Saloon GT

Face off 4
Course: Midnight Run
Opponent: Bus

VB. Survival Mode

This is quite a difficult mode of play. You race by yourself, with your main 
objective being the avoidance of accidents, or a single accident for that 
matter. One accident means a game over so be careful. There is no reward for 
beating all of the survival tracks (thanks to tetsujin007), but don't you 
want to beat the whole game? 

General Tips and Strategy

1) DO NOT drive slowly, because checkpoint times seem to be even harder to 
get than usual. Boost also seems harder to get.

2) Use a fast car with good handling.  The Saloon GT is probably the best 
choice for all tracks.

3) The bus and tow trucks are not a good choice, despite their ability to hit 
cars without an accident. They often will not even make the first  few 

4) Be the most careful at intersections.  You may even consider stopping at 
the more dangerous ones and quickly looking both ways.

5) Do your fast and insane driving at the start of the race if you must, 
because if you have to rush for the last few checkpoints and you make a 
mistake, you will be very angry about getting a game over that close to the 
end of the race. 

6) Trial and error testing is the best way. You just have to figure out the 
traffic and you may consider using the tips I gave you in "The Tracks" 
portions of this guide.

7) This is the hardest portion of the game, so don't get frustrated.  I have 
only heard of one person (tetsujin007) who has survived all the tracks.

8) Traffic may vary by race, but some things will stay the same. Its very 
hard to predict, unlike single race mode.

Reader's submission concerning Survival Mode:

"...Survival mode, its like the ultimate test of all or just like in real life 
you only have 1 life - racing through as fast as you can without a crash! Lol
The EX marathons are hard but by no means impossible, once you work out and 
are familiar with the tracks you just have to be extra wary on the 2nd and 
final laps, say 1st lap there weren't any cars at the cross section, 2nd and 
3rd they will most probably be crossing so just be aware and do slow down cos 
once you crash and its over! One particular track was Euro Marathon, I spent 
2 hours trying to complete it but finally fatigue settled in and the more I 
raced the more determined I got but also the more nerve wrecking it become so 
I lost concenatration at times and had accidents on small things so I finally 
stopped playing and had a rest. Next day I completed the track within my 2nd 
go, - there, the morale is to have enough rest before you drive! LOL :p 
Anyways, back to my main point, - after doing all tracks and survival, its 
over, there are no additional cars or tracks to unveal, you get a great 
satisfaction of completing the game fully, I have used no cheats, its not fun 

Submitted by tetsujin007 on 7/3/02

VC. Free Run/ Free Run Twin (2 player)

This allows you to race through any track without any traffic. I find this 
mode to be very boring and only useful for learning the twists and turns of a 
track. That is all I have to say.

V. Credits, Contact, and Copyright

-Thanks to Acclaim and Criterion Software for a sweet racing game.
-Thanks to gamefaqs.com and cheathappens.com for great websites.
-Thanks to Sony for making the PS2 and making it all possible.
-Thanks to my brothers who helped me with the 0-60,0-100, and highest speeds 
for all the cars.
-Thanks to tetsujin007 for the email submission.

Email me at [email protected] with any questions, comments, suggestions, 

Copyright 2002 Dylan Brandtner  

Créditos: Dylan Brandtner 

Inserido por: deadmx 

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